I don't know why
you're gone, now you're gone
No beautiful goodbye
You will never leave my mind
And it turns out to be so much different than our dreams
Now you're, you're a star in heaven
If you want to see a movie I made of Yeri (about two weeks before
he became ill) CLICK
over here.
March 13, 2006; Yeri was euthanised in his own home, here with us, surrounded by love at his favourite sleeping spot.
When we brought Yeri in the clinic sunday they also heard he had a weak heartpulse and a
heartrumour. I thought the heartrumour was for later concern, first we had to fix this boy and then we would look into his
heartproblem. Yesterday we had an appointment with the specialist and a visit to radiology. The specialist gave us hope by telling he made so much progress compared to
sunday. The radiologist took away the hope. He had a very severe stage of
hcm, a heart disease. This made him feel very bad, he stopped eating and vomiting like the past week. Unfortunately the not eating and vomiting caused another problem: fat liver syndrome. These two things together made him so weak that he would not be able to fight against the
hcm. Eventually because the hcm was already that bad it would only delay a painful death.
It was a very hard decision to make, but we took him home. Let him walk trough "his" garden one more time and called our own vet to come over and send him to heaven.
My heart is broken..my friend, my love, my son and my joy is gone, and he
will never come back...